I grabbed some hair from LCKY who is having an awesome 50% off sale! I accessorized my hair with this adorable bow from Garbaggio (available exclusively at the Creepy Cutie Carnival). I am also wearing the ouija heart necklace from NeverWish (CCC exclusive) and my dress is from +Blue-Blood+ (CCC exclusive). My sailor moon ring is from Candy Crunchers (freebie) and toast ring is from Buttery Toast (group gift). My nail polish is from *Tori-Tastic* Heart Echo in Purple (my store).
Cupcakes Anonymous Events presents our first ever Creepy Cutie Carnival. My store *Tori-Tastic* is included in this event. All booths have at least one new exclusive item and one item priced from 0-80L (maybe the same item). Event runs from 19th to the 31st. There is also a surprise FREE gift at my booth, as well as some of the other stores!
My squiddy friend Jen helped me show off some of the awesome items offered at the event. She is rocking the the Front Dress in Pink Octupus from the Sugar Button Boutique, body is Utilizer 2.0 body and hair from Magika. The couple pose is {Oh My Goth} by ~Just Posing~, exclusive for the event and just 35L!
I have on the new subscribo gift from G*Field dress and hat for Halloween, the Keri hair from Ayashi (if you zoom in the skull on the bows is Jack Skellington!), my ouija board necklace is an exclusive from Neverwish for just 75L for the event, my pose is the {Cutie} pose from ~Just Posing~ only 15L and the exact pose I wanted for the event poster but couldn't find, my shoes are from Garbaggio as an exclusive for the event and the fatpack for the shoes is only 295L for 4 colors and multiple bow and eyeball options (she also has a matching ring and necklace) for slink High feet, my socks are part mesh frilly cuff and link stocking layer from SMC (came with a pair of shoes for just 50L at their mainstore). Pictures were taken at the event, feel free to take pictures at the event space if you like and tag us on flickr if you do!
Psssttt: in the words of Blair "Pumpkin, Pump, Pump, Pumkinnn!!!"